Home Parish Council Services Street Lighting Street Lighting Proposals

Street Lighting Proposals

Update – June 2023

In response to the results of the Parish Council’s consultation on proposals to turn off some street lights, the Parish Council is working towards a trial period this winter.

Final details are still being worked through with the electricity companies involved, but the intention is to switch off 25 lights for about six months during the darker evenings so that residents can understand how this impacts the village.

Feedback would be welcomed during this period and the Parish Council is looking to undertake a second consultation to provide input when considering the next steps.

The Parish Council will provide updates when it has more details about the intended trial period.

First Consultation on Street Lamp Proposals – Jan to May 2023

The PC proposed to switch off 22 street lights and upgrading the remaining 16 street lights to using warm LED bulbs. The reasoning was to reduce the carbon usage in part due to addressing the Climate Emergency and in part to reduce costs in the face of escalating energy costs.

The proposal was put out via a community consultation, with the following results:

Residents comments were reviewed in detail, and the proposals were reconsidered arriving at the following:

Selection Criteria

  • Keep lights by the junctions.
  • Remove lights where there is residual lighting from housing and/or other street lights.
  • Retain lights where there are Exceptional Hazards.
  • Consideration of station access.

Key Points Raised

  • Safety
    • Crime
    • Visibility
    • Female safety
  • Retention of light 22 – Pipehouse Lane by the A36
  • Access to the station – Station Road
  • Consider a trial period

These points are addressed in more detail in the attached paper.

Re-applying the Selection Criteria identifies 25 lights to be removed and 13 lights to be converted to LED – please see the following maps for details:

The 25 street lights are to be switched off for a trial period of 6 months, after which point there will a community consultation to understand the actual impact of the trial period.

5 June 2023
Last Updated
12 June 2023