Home The Tyning Questionnaire

The Tyning Questionnaire


The Tyning is a community asset, therefore the Parish Council feels that it is for the community to determine what should happen.
Your views do count – they can be provided by completing the questionnaire which has been split into two separate forms, covering:

  • The Tyning
  • The Cemetery and the War Memorial

The views of all residents are welcome – not just those of voting age. You can decide whether to submit a single response covering the whole household, or each person can submit their own response. This is simply covered by a question in the last section.

There is also a question at the end of each questionnaire explicitly for children to provide their views as they may not have their own email address.

The Questionnaire

It is worth reading the Proposal to gain an all-round understanding before completing the questionnaires.

Some details of the Proposal are included in each questionnaire to try to provide a degree of the relevant detail. Whilst it was easier to provide questions using simple, plain English that would probably have meant constant referral to the Proposal being needed. Hopefully the approach used means that the questions are easier to respond to.

Finally, you should be able to amend questionnaires that have been saved. As long as the Mandatory questions have been completed then you can save the questionnaire and amend it later should you wish to add or amend detail.

The Questionnaires

The questionnaires can be access via the Quick Links section above, and also using the following links:

Please send any queries via email to communications@freshfordvillage.com.

16 February 2021
Last Updated
7 April 2021