Monday, March 6th at 7.30pm
7pm at the Memorial Hall, Freshford
Please join us at the Memorial Hall in Freshford for an evening of inspirational images from author and photographer, David R Abram.
David has spent the past five years capturing views of Britain’s most extraordinary prehistoric sites from above in rare, sunrise light. Whether Neolithic tombs in Orkney, Bronze Age ceremonial sites in Snowdonia or the hillforts of the Avon Valley, his images reveal forms invisible at ground level, and intriguing connections between the monuments and their varied landscapes.
Lively and rich with archaeological insight, David’s talk will cherry pick highlights from his new book, the ‘Aerial Atlas of Ancient Britain’ (published by Thames & Hudson, with a Forward by Professor Alice Roberts), which charts the arc of British prehistory from the end of the Ice Age to the arrival of the Romans.
This is a rare opportunity to see his most acclaimed work projected at scale – an experience that is sure to inspire visits to prehistoric sites in the area you already know, and many you don’t!
7.30pm (doors open at 7pm)
Tickets (£10) via EventBrite: